Today's (21 March) Billboard R&B Album Chart Debut(s): Luther Ingram - Luther Ingram from 1987

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Luther Ingram - Luther Ingram
Today, 23 years ago in 1987, the album Luther Ingram by Luther Ingram debuted on the billboard Top R&B Albums Chart. It reached #61 and was on the chart for a total of 3 weeks.

"MAKE YOU FEEL LOVE AGAIN" is a great song by Luther Ingram!!!

Other debut entries are:
The album How 'Bout Us by Champaign debuted in 1981. This album reached #14 and was on the chart for a total of 22 weeks.
The album The Woman I Am by Cherrelle debuted in 1992. This album reached #43 and was on the chart for a total of 16 weeks.
The album It's Just The Way I Feel by Gene Dunlap Band debuted in 1981. This album reached #39 and was on the chart for a total of 12 weeks.
The album Grand Slam by The Isley Brothers debuted in 1981. This album reached #3 and was on the chart for a total of 24 weeks.

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