been three years since her last album . . . but now she's back! "Watch
Out" is the title of the new album and single and judging by the
response so far, both will be big sellers. Yes indeed, Patrice Rushen
has returned with a vengeance. The album,
incidentally, is all her own work except for three tracks ?
"Somewhere", "Anything Can Happen" and "Long Time Comin'" ? and the
project is a direct cross between dance and ballad.
IT'S been three years since her last album
. . . but now she's back! "Watch Out" is the title of the new album and
single and judging by the response so far, both will be big sellers.
Yes indeed, Patrice Rushen has returned with a vengeance!
album, incidentally, is all her own work except for three tracks ?
"Somewhere", "Anything Can Happen" and "Long Time Comin'" ? and the
project is a direct cross between dance and ballad.
enjoy singing dance tracks", she said across the Atlantic phone, "but I
do like songs I can get my teeth into, like a ballad. People listen to
the lyrics more and, although it can be a little scarey because artists
put personal ideas into their writing, I believe it's the only way the
listener can tell that the artist is sincere.
times when I write the lyrics I have to check myself. There are just
some things I can't put into words and besides it takes so much out of
me that I usually let someone else write the music."
paused, then added: "Writing is a very delicate operation and I wish
more people were actually more concerned about the delicacy than the
commerciality. Artists are pawns on a big chess board, but that is the
way of the business, I'm afraid."
She also believes the
way artists are treated depends on how much success they enjoy and, she
reckoned, a career is based on how much music is sold. "It doesn't
matter even if a single is junk, so long as it sells. Yet having a hit
gives an artist more chances to do things. There are so many barriers
to be broken down anyway and sometimes that's real hard.
is really a spiritual thing ? a connection between your inner self and
the projection of that in public. This makes artists a little bit
different, I think, because it's a gift that needs to be developed.
Sometimes it gets squashed when records don't sell."
is newly signed to Arista following a lengthy stay with Elektra. She
was urged to change companies by Arista boss Clive Davis, although that
wasn't her intention at the time. I'll let the lady explain what
"When I first met with Clive, it was as a
producer. I wanted to find out if he was interested in me producing
some of his artists. He turned the conversation around and we got
talking about me signing to Arista as an artist. He's well respected in
the business and Arista might be a small label but it does have a lot
of influential artists signed. I only hope that I'll be one of those
signings who will be one of the most innovative, with a certain amount
of longevity."
Changing record companies is like, for you and me, finding a new job ? a scarey move. Patrice agreed.
was with Elektra for seven years and before that with Fantasy for
three, so signing this new deal was very frightening. Everybody has
their own way of doing things and you have to learn them all over
again. Also once the conversations and the promises are made, you have
to be sure they're kept after your signature is on the contract. So you
just hope things go OK and go for it."
Clive Davis
actually saw Patrice perform in 1980 when she was still signed up. "He
said it doesn't matter how long it takes, so I guess he was impressed
with me!"
Three years later the album is released. Why so long?
record companies do take time to schedule records and since I am a new
signing there were certain things they had to get just right. The
actual album took me six to eight months to record and I finished it
last year. Then Arista took over and, as I don't control the scheduling
and that, I guess I just had to wait for my turn."
single was released in the States three weeks ago and the album last
week. "Things are just gearing up now for promotional work, interviews,
that sort of thing. It's all tiring but well worth it. I'm also hoping
to visit Europe on a short tour to help out with the promotion work in
the very near future."
APART from concentrating on
her debut Arista set, Ms Rushen has been involved in session work for
other people. "Do you know Vesta Williams' 'Once Bitten Twice Shy'?
Well, I played synthesisers on that and I've underscored the motion
picture 'Hollywood Shuffle' ? so I've not been idle."
met Vesta a few years ago when they did sessions together. "We kept
running into each other and then I was called in to work on her single
Oh, we had a good time in the studio, I can tell you." That I can well
believe for Vesta is something else, but Patrice wa quick to point out,
Vesta didn't get all her own way as she's quick tongued also.
singles are an important part of most artist's careers but Ms Rushen
said in her case they're not as important now a: they used to be. "I'm
involved in so many aspects of music that I don't worry too much about
hits. I worry about givinc my best, and accurately projecting myself.
As I mature I step back and let the music happen. I suppose it's very
gratifying to have a hit, but more gratifying when that hit is based
upon true feelings and personal satisfaction.
"It would
be a nightmare for me to have a hit with a single I hated and then have
to sing thi darned thing for the rest of my life. I believe records say
a lot about an artist and I wouldn't be associated with something 1
wasn't at ease with. I won't settle for less than I am capable of
THE talented Patrice was born in Los Angeles.
When she was a mere three years she enrolled in a special music
preparation programme run at U.S.C. Three years later, as a prolific
pianist she gave classical recitals. She studied via the programme
until she was a teenager when a music teacher urged her to enter a
competition at the 1972 Monterey Jazz Festival. She walked away with
first prize then signed a deal with the jaz label, Prestige.
wanted to be a studio musician and jazz is definitely among the forms
that studio musicians must understand. It requires the knowledge of
extended harmonies, melodies and improvisation, all of which come into
play in the studio."
Three albums later ? "Traverse",
"Before The Dawn", "Shout It Out" ? it became apparent Ms Rushen wasn't
destined to be typecast as a jazz player. She expanded in other areas
and headed up session work for the likes of Peabo Bryson, Prince and
the late Minnie Riperton.
Patrice's reputation grew and
she became known as the only woman to emerge from jazz and R&B as a
self-contained recording artist, composing and producing her own work.
She joined Elektra in 1978.
"My main focus with my first
album there was to get out of the jazz mould and I think I did that. In
putting the songs together, I discovered I had a lot of vocals and
no-one to sing them. People started coaxing me to sing them myself, so
I figured what the heck and took the plunge!"
All in all
Patrice recorded five albums for Elektra, some of which brought in
Grammy nominations. She also enjoyed cross-over singles with "Haven't
You Heard" and "Forget Me Nots". Her most commercially successful album
was probably "Straight From The Heart" and from the proceeds she built
a twenty-four track studio in her home, which has obvious advantages,
as she explained.
"I can work as long as I want to, when
I like . . . even in the middle of the night if I want. And I can take
more time to record without worrying about a time limit and the money
it's costing. I'm much more relaxed and find it a better working
situation for me. I don't fool around either, otherwise I'd get nothing
done and not meet my deadlines!"
There was one huge disadvantage to working at home ? "there's nobody to make the coffee, so I have to do it myself."
Patrice had not ventured into this business she would have been
involved in some form of art, like dancing. But, she admitted, "I'm not
a great dancer by any means, but I really do love to do it. I like
movement, and after all movement is one of the inspirations for writing
music. "Maybe I've been a dancer in my past life or something. Yes, I'm
serious. So many of the things that I do have come easily to me, even
some things that are difficult to do, like getting into this business
in the first place."
As a subject like this takes
lengthy serious discussions, we decided to leave it for another time.
So, I think it's true to say Patrice Rushen has chosen her career
wisely and as much as she loves the business there are a few things
that irritate her ? "but I try not to dwell on them too much, and to
concentrate on things I do like. The politics and red tape drive me
crazy, even down to the politics in getting records played on the radio
and ascertaining chart positions. "So, as I want to remain sane, I
stick to what I'm best at ? and that's
(B&S SD)